You must sign a digital waiver before entering our play area. NO EXCEPTIONS. The waiver is good for 1 year. You can complete a waiver here.
No outside food or drinks. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Admission is valid until the closing time of the day customer bought the ticket. Once you and your child leaves the premises your child will not be allowed back in, unless another ticket is purchased.
Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Parental supervision required. No drop offs. Do not leave your child unattended.
Everyone must wear socks in the play area.
No food, drinks or gum is allowed in the play area.
No sick children please. We reserve the right to refuse admittance to a sick child at our discretion.
No rough play or fighting allowed.
Please respect the equipment, the toys, and others.
No sharp or glass objects allowed.
No weapons are allowed within our facility.
For safety reasons, MEGAPLAY staff reserves the right to refuse admittance to a child if the number of children exceeds the legal capacity of our facility.
Use of our center is at your own risk.
We are not responsible for loss, theft or damage of your property. Do not leave valuables or personal belongings unattended.
Our facility is designed for CHILDREN'S PLAY. We would ask that adults refrain from riding, jumping, etc. on the facilities attractions.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.